Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The treaty of Versailles(Ended WW I)

The treaty of Versailles was, as its name states, a treaty signed at the Versailles building in France. In the most basic of terms the treaty stated that the start, damages, and causualties of and during WW I were all the fault of Germany. This treaty was conpletely unfair in the way that it simply beat down germany to the point where the country was insignificant. It limited the number of troops the country could have, so that it'd be unable to fight sucessfully in a war. The unfair treaty also forced Germany to give up all its colonies effectively cutting off a huge source of their cash flow and trading sources. Lastly and importantly, the treaty forced Germany to pay reparations; a huge sum of money to the British and french nations for the costs of the war, money the country did not have.

Looking at all these cruel and unfair rules against the German nation, it's not unexpected to find displeased man willing to change it. This man was Adolf Hitler. Though he is known for WWII before that he brought Germany, like a phoenix, back from its ashes and even more powerful than ever before. This single man brought forth due to the unrest caused by the unfair treaty. This, as believed by many historians, is, logically, the cause of the rise of Adolf Hitler.

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