Friday, September 5, 2008

Evolution vs. Creation

The conflict of evolution vs. creationism is a huge matter in the U.S. Creationism is the religious belief that god created everything and that we didn't evolve. Though this is widely believed there is a lot of counter evidence and even so within the religion themselves there's dispute on the matter which is mostly about the time period at which the earth was created and they go from instantanious(the earth, adam and eve, animals, plants, and mountains all made at the same time) to the the biblical 7 days and sometimes even longer.

Then there's Evolution which explains how everything decends from a common ancestor. This theory is widely accepted in the scientific world due to substantial evidence. At first this was based on similarites of physical appearance and skeletal structure but later on they investigated in DNA and found that there are many more similarities then originally assumed.

My personal idea of this matter is, there is a chance that both can be true. It can be possible that some great being created everything but i doubt it was made within 7 days, in fact i think everything was created over a span of thousands of years and may possibly still be going on. Although this godly creation may still be continuing they've evolved from their original form.

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