Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

The Reign of terror was a violence event which took place 15 months after the French Revolution. 16000-40000 people were killed during the reign of terror. Many famous and well know people were executed by guillotine. They were executed in front of an audience to show that people who don't support them that they will to have the same end. French nobles and clergy were not approving of this new terror, as they now had to work and did not received any goods from the peasants.

Maximilien Robespierre tried to erase everything related to the Old Regime. Churches were closed as it was one of the major strain on peasents. He, acting as dictator, was the cause of The Reign of Terror. The governed people were scared and tired of his idea of guillotine punishment, they did not feel safe. They organized a revolution against him and he was executed the same way, he was guillotined, The Reign of Terror was over.

The Reign of Terror was caused because democracy, that the people fought for, was not granted to them. They had to fight against this Reign of Terror as they fought against Louis the XVI. It ended in bloodshed among brothers but have now earned their freedom. The Terror ended the same way it began; With the guillotine

Monday, September 22, 2008

The french Revolution

1) The people of France did not like that the Nobles and Clergy paid little to no taxes. There was a food shortage and taxes were rising. They also thought the King was very weak and useless.

2) A French peasant has quite the list of things to coplain about. There was a food shortage, and the price of bread had increased. The government was falling into debt and the people where being treated horribly.

3) Source A shows a poor worker who had to support the two higher estates and hoped he wouldn't have to for any longer; he hoped for a revolution.

4) The author of source B describes the lives of peasants to be very harsh and very desperate. The people did not have that much, but still had to pay 20kg of wheat, and three chickens as taxes. The taxes where difficult for them to pay.

5) Yes it does. It shows that the poor had a very hard life, and that they had to pay to support the rich. It shows why they would want to revolt against the rich and have a revolution to avoid the harsh times.

6) The peasants would be influenced by his work and follow him. They do not like the old form of government and would embrace democracy for France. It would be more fair for them and a better lifestyle.

7) It was probably banned by the Clergy and Nobles and King, because they do not want peasants to revolt and want them to follow there rules. They wouldn't want the peasants to try to form a new government.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Scientific revolution: the scientific theory

The scientific theory is the process at which a scientist must go through to prove or disprove an idea. It begins with forming a hypothesis to be tested, then must be continuously tested again and again to make sure it is not just a random occurence. These things in theory are long and difficult tasks but in general occur in a specific order.

First a hypothesis must be stated for there to be anything to experiment. then an experiment must be set up and done several times and to be observed taking note of everything. Then you must take your observations and attempt finding why or how each occurence...occurs. Afterwards everything must be tested again for accuracy of your findings. Then you must allow a large group of people to attempt to recreate your experiment and if the majority end with the same results as you it can become a theory.

Copernicus and the trial of galileo

The Geocentric theory was the belief that the earth is the center of the universe which was formed by acient greek philosopher, aristotle. This was also greatly believed in the church as well which in those times were a great and powerful force. Although there was never any evidence to prove this theory is was widely believed.

Then at one time a man named Copernicus who scientifically explained how many celestial events occured without the earth at the center of the universe. He, though bringing large amounts of evidence, was for the most part swept aside and pushed away by the church for having a different idea. After the time of Copernicus tested many other ideas which then began a scientific revolution in acient greece.

The one man who stood out of all these people was Galileo. He was a man who, without a doubt, proved that the earth wasn't the center of the universe and even showed how the sun is the actual center of the universe. this idea came to be known as the heliocentric theory. With all this evidence the church became outraged because someone was going against their ideas and was excommunicated; not allowed to interact with anyone connected to the church in anyway,which at the was was everyone. This event is what gave future scientists strength to come up with their own ideas and bring us to the true scientific age.

John Locke and "The Enlightment"

When Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence was based off ideas formed by John Locke. The government for example was formed off the idea that Locke had which basic terms said let the people have government and how they choose to have it. In other words the government in the US is dependent on it's people, this is how the idea of democracy was formed.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Evolution vs. Creation

The conflict of evolution vs. creationism is a huge matter in the U.S. Creationism is the religious belief that god created everything and that we didn't evolve. Though this is widely believed there is a lot of counter evidence and even so within the religion themselves there's dispute on the matter which is mostly about the time period at which the earth was created and they go from instantanious(the earth, adam and eve, animals, plants, and mountains all made at the same time) to the the biblical 7 days and sometimes even longer.

Then there's Evolution which explains how everything decends from a common ancestor. This theory is widely accepted in the scientific world due to substantial evidence. At first this was based on similarites of physical appearance and skeletal structure but later on they investigated in DNA and found that there are many more similarities then originally assumed.

My personal idea of this matter is, there is a chance that both can be true. It can be possible that some great being created everything but i doubt it was made within 7 days, in fact i think everything was created over a span of thousands of years and may possibly still be going on. Although this godly creation may still be continuing they've evolved from their original form.

Thursday, September 4, 2008