Sunday, October 19, 2008

Nationalism and the creation of italy

Nationalism, to take pride of one's residing country or country of birth. Many things are brought about through nationalism; friendships, fights, feuds, and even wars. I personally am a pacifist while still being a nationalist, being that i can still be prideful of my country(Brasil) without taking it to any extreme to anger anybody. From time to time i play soccer with a few friends or wear the Brasilian colors when i go out and lastly i actually have two Brasilian flags in my room.

Italy, like some other countries, had such a respect and pride for it's country and wanted a change for the better. These nationalists wanted a new government; a government for the people. This government wasn't like the one in America or france Italy made something different, a constitutional monarchy. This worked basically as follows: the king had rule but his decisions could be overthrown by the two ministers and the two ministers had a group of citizens who had meetings over political decisions which then informed the ministers of their decision. In a way the people had some power, and they were content with that.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Simon bolivar and latin america revolution

Simon Bolivar was a Venezuelan general who eventually freed most of South America  from the Spaniards, a "George Washington of South America" if you will. He was born into a rich family and at a young age received the entire fortune due to the early death of his parents. With his wealth he helped fund and even fight with a group of patriots attempting to free Venezuela. They soon freed Caracas  from the Spaniards. At one time he went to the British in search of aid but only found neutrality. When he returned the Spaniards attacked and forced his troops back into New Granada(Columbia), who was also at war with the spaniards. The two forces allied and attempted another attack but this was forced to retreat into Jamaica. After that started the string of victories freeing the territories of Ecuador, Columbia, Panama, and Venezuela. The capture of these key areas caused the Spaniards to become weak and essentially useless in South America. In the end he also captured Peru which was then cut in half and became Peru and Bolivia in honor of Bolivar. Bolivar, after capturing all these areas, created a The Original Republic of Columbia also becoming it's first president.